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Dizzy Dog Training and Canine Massage Therapy
Home of Dizzy Japanese Chin


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Welcome to our site!
My name is Marisa and I welcome you to our home on the web! You can find information about my dogs and I as well as classes I teach and events I host. You can also find information on Scene Stealer Show handling. Please use the task bar above to navigate the site. Enjoy!
LATEST NEWS and Dizzy Dogs and Scene Stealer Professional Handling!
2022 News!
We have MOVED! We now live in Greensboro, NC.
2023 News!
Elle & Blanche are pregnant! Check out our upcoming litters page!
Bash wins Best Veteran in Sweeps and Best Veteran in show and Award of Merit at the Japanese Chin Club of America National Specialty
Baby Mae wins Best 4-6 mos Puppy at the Japanese Chin Club of America Parent Club Specialty

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